ORCID 2019 Seminar

On March 27, 2019 IUCC hosted the “Israeli ORCID Consortium Seminar-First Year and Beyond.” More than 100 participants from libraries, research authorities, computer departments, researchers and other interested parties participated in the seminar. The keynote was delivered by Gabriela Mejias from ORCID, who provided general overview of the current status of member organizations, ORCID integration in research promotion initiatives, such as Current Research Information Systems (CRIS), and future programs.

As part of the preparation for deploying CRIS systems at all universities, the need for a persistent digital identifier of academic researchers has become evident. The  CRIS Inter-institutional forum concluded that ORCID is the most appropriate tool for this purpose. All major CRIS systems include an interface to ORCID and enable collection, management, linking and synchronization of data with other systems automatically.

Less than a year ago IUCC signed a consortium agreement with ORCID and eight Israeli universities are signatories.

The presentations from the workshop can be found at https://orcid.org/content/israel-consortium-workshop.